A holiday-themed triptych featuring a cozy scene with tabletop trees and lights, a festive place setting with red accents, and an elegantly presented invitation titled "the ishikaki.

Stylish Nordic Felt Decorations You Can Make Yourself

What a thrill to feature, and showcase the free tutorials, and amazing handmade collection from felt florist, The Tsubaki. They are the perfect addition to a minimalist, or simple Nordic style Christmas décor.

Indeed, my own home is full of her beautifully created cut felt flowers and stems; her Eucalyptus stems, Peonies, and Cherry Blossoms are to die for!


Yuki works with flat felt creating intricate designs for flowers, holiday décor, wall hangings and so much more, and her amazing Floriography (the language of flowers) skills are inspired by her creative Japanese heritage and the ever changing seasons.

FREE TUTORIALS FROM THE TSUBAKI From perfect Poinsettia’s to marvellous mini trees, why not create Yuki’s beautiful creations yourself. Click on the photos below and follow the links for some festive free tutorials. You will soon find yourself begin to relax, unwind, and enjoy the process of some meditative creativity.


Bringing together her love of nature and creating using felt, Yuki Brittain started The Tsubaki in 2017. Now, just a few years later, her business is flourishing and she is fondly known as ‘the felt florist’.

Introducing Yuki Brittain from The Tsubaki
Introducing Yuki Brittain from The Tsubaki

I was brought up in a very creative family in Japan surrounded by craft and people designing and making things! My grandmother made Kimonos, my grandfather taught me how to make straw shoes, my father still loves DIY and making his own fishing tools from scratch and my mother was also involved in the craft world. Naturally I absorbed a lot.


I started designing felt floral gardens after becoming a mum of 2 and deciding now was the time to follow my dreams of designing artificial flowers from felts. Creating natural looking flowers has given me a renewed energy and a connection to an artistic world I have always dreamed of. Our felt flower shop offers wedding bouquets, home flower arrangements, botanical gifts and more, all handcrafted in the UK.


Simplicity and calm. I attempt to create a sense of peacefulness all the way from my products to the design of my website to the service I provide. My aim is to transmit the beauty of nature into people’s homes and to give people a moment of clarity.


My inspirations come from the outside world. I enjoy walking in the woods near my home, seeing the changes in nature throughout the seasons. My ideas on what to design usually come from these moments when connecting with nature. They can come at any point when I am outside so I always carry a sketchbook to write or draw designs as soon as inspiration hits!

I am also a keen student of flowers and visit many gardens throughout the UK and keep updated with the latest trends through social media, the internet and magazines. I like to make my flowers as representative as possible to real life so I practice the designs many hundreds of times before settling on a style.


Currently I live in the countryside in Surrey. I have amazing woods within a five minute walk which I never take for granted as it gives me such a sense of belonging, amongst nature, flowers and the outdoors.


Yuki is constantly updating her designs to follow the seasons, and her beautiful website is so worth a visit, even if it is just to look at the stunning Peonies and dazzling felt flower bouquets.


If you have tried the free tutorials and fancy something a bit more in depth then Yuki has some amazing online courses. At just £20 per course this is amazing value, and the results are stunning! There is even a master class so you can do a deep dive into creating beautiful felt flowers with ‘The Felt Florist’.


Yuki has created courses designed for all levels, from a beginner to experienced flower makers. Showing you step by step how to recreate some of her beautiful designs.

Get social with The Tsubaki. Happy festive felting!


Why not try needle felting with these fabulous free tutorials, and fill your home with beautiful handmade Christmas décor. Made with love, by you!

Image shows cute needle felted Christmas decorations. DIY Christmas wreath, bauble, gnomes and fairies
This image displays text "how to needle felt flowers?" on a purple background with needle-felted flowers in various shades of pink and white, and a small instructional book cover at the bottom right.

Easy Needle Felted Flowers – DIY Tutorial!

How amazing do these needle felted flowers look? Elegant felted Calla lilies or striking sunburst flowers; What a bloomin treat of a needle felting tutorial have I got for you! Two totally different flowers, two different techniques, but both results are easy to achieve and, quite simply, bloomin marvellous! Ok, no more flower puns…probably?

You have the divine, realistic, beautiful in it’s simplicity, Calla lily. Then, in complete contrast, the flamboyant, look at me style of this lush needle felted flower brooch which is part sunflower, part succulent, and part sea anemone. Best of all, you get to choose your own personal style with the easy techniques I am going to teach you.


It doesn’t matter if you are a needle felting beginner, or a seasoned needle felter, this is the perfect project for those crafty moments when you need to add some colour and style to your creative day. It is also a great way to learn new needle felting techniques and apply them to an endless number of felted projects.


You will find the video tutorials for both felting projects at the bottom of this page but you should definitely read my hints and tips before you start; especially if you are new to needle felting!

The key to the success of this felting project is getting perfectly shaped petals which can be easily done without the need for a cookie cutter, or template. Making them free hand allows you to create any shape or style you want and my super easy techniques will show you how to do just that, including the elegant Calla Lily stems.


Nervous about starting? Then you are in exactly the right place! Needle felting isn’t hard, but getting the basics right (from the get go), is essential to helping you progress quickly and will make your needle felting journey a joy. If you have the enthusiasm then I promise you I will give you the confidence and techniques you need to make your needle felting projects successful. Always remember that any craft is a learning curve and any ‘mistakes’ you make are essential to the learning process. That said, the joy of working with wool, and needle felting in particular, allows much room for error. Even if the end result isn’t what you intended, rest assured you will end up with a beautiful ‘something’ at the end of it. One of my happiest ‘mistakes’ was a mouse that ended up as a cat. I was thrilled because cats are my needle felting nemesis. It was hugely popular and I have had many requests for a tutorial, which will probably never happen as I haven’t a clue how it ended up that way; aah, the joys of needle felting…


Join the VIP Felt Club! It’s free and you will receive a free needle felting pattern, lifetime discount code, exclusive early access to new product launches and promotions, as well as notification of new tutorials and live needle felting workshops.

Or get creative with me over at THE FELT HUB

I have created a Facebook group that will inspire and develop your needle felting confidence (whatever level you are at), and encourage others to get involved, in a more private space. You will also be able to comment and share your WIP creations during and after the live workshops and ask for help and support from myself or other members. It’s a lovely community where you can grab some crafty respite.


Display the striking Calla lilies in a vase, create your own DIY wedding bouquet or button holes, have them as a beautiful centrepiece or just as a calming moment in any room.

The ‘Sun Burst’ flower brooch is a total contrast to the lily, in its flamboyant and colourful presence. Us a bright and bold wool that demands the viewers attention and add a simple or exotic centre. Beautiful worn as a brooch, a scarf pin, displayed as a single flower with an added stem, added too an Alice band, or part of a bigger display. I love a colourful headband and am itching to make something Frida Kahlo style so watch this space?

However you wear or display yours, just enjoy the fabulously meditative and creative process and needle felt away the detritus of the day.


The WOOL PACKS AND KITS for these flowers can be purchased on the Lincolnshire Fenn Crafts website.

If you already have your own stash of wool, needles and mats then here is a materials list for you.

These are the wools I have used for the two needle felted flowers, but feel free to raid your wool stash and create your own style.


For the Cala Lily I have used natural white Perendale carded batting sheet, carded green lengths for the stem, and a creamy yellow wool top/roving for the stamen. Perendale batt is my favourite as its natural colour is much whiter than most other batting, making it perfect for projects where you want the whitest top coat or finish; I also use it for Daphne Chicken. It felts easily with a really smooth finish, and is super clean with little to no grassy bits to pull out.

For the sunburst flower petals I have used a vibrant blended carded wool, with added carded zingy yellow. For the centre of the flower I have created two completely different looks; the first using yellow and white wool tops, the second using wool yarn in bright complimentary colours.


Calla Lily

  • Use equal amounts of wool for each petal.
  • Make sure it’s firm.
  • No thicker than 1-2mm.
  • Leave the end of each petal loose for easy attachment. 4 Use your first petal as a size and shape guide.

Sunburst flower brooch

  • Use equal amounts of wool for each petal.
  • Make sure it’s firm.
  • No thicker than 1-2mm.
  • Leave the end of each petal loose for easy attachment.
  • Use your first petal as a size and shape guide.


Now that I have built up the creative excitement it’s time to get stuck into this gorgeous needle felting project. Grab your wool, needles, or felting kit and fill your crafty boots with the video tutorials below.

Happy felting!